Regulatory Framework 


Thessaloniki FSRU development strictly adheres to Greek and European legislation and is governed by the provisions of the laws, directives, and regulations listed below:
• Law 4001/2011 «For the operation of Electricity and Gas Energy Markets, for Exploration, Production and Transmission Networks of Hydrocarbons and other provisions»
• Law 4014/2011 «For the environmental licensing of works and activities, regulation of illegal constructions in connection with environmental stability and other provisions falling under the competence of the Ministry of Environment»
• Law 4685/2020 «Μodernisation of the Environmental Legislation, incorporation of Directives 2018/844 and 2019/692 of the European Parliament and the Council into Greek legislation and other provisions»
• Law 2971/2001 «Seashore, the beach zone and other provisions»
• Law 3982/2011 «Simplification of licensing for technical professions and manufacturing activities and business parks and other provisions»
• Ministerial Decision 26510/2012 «Technical Regulation for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems over 16 bars max pressure»
• Ministerial Decision 12044/613/2007 incorporating Directive 2003/105/ΕC (SEVESO ΙΙ) «Measures for the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances»
• International Maritime Organization (ΙΜΟ) regulatory framework
• Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control)Regulation 347/2013 «Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure»
• DIRECTIVE 2009/73/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC